Twitter Spaces Dreams Quest Gaming Panel Recap

Leaders from Gaming Projects: GEMS, SoundIt, MechaChain, Reign of Terror

Dreams Quest
21 min readApr 27, 2022

In case you missed it, we have a complete recap of the Dreams Quest Gaming Panel — Leaders from #Gaming Projects.

Steve Good — Alright cool, so let’s start with Roman from Mecha. Do you want to just do a quick introduction to who you are and also just a quick snippet about your project? And where do I get a MechaChain?

Roman Czerny — Sure, of course so my name is Roman and I’m the CEO of MechaChain. So we’ve been building MechaChain since July. Our goal is to create a double game on mobile, a blockchain mobile game.

So I will tell you a bit about my background. I’ve been doing business on the Internet since 2016, so I’ve had a YouTube channel about business. I have an engineering background, but the most important thing is I’m a gamer and passionate about crypto and when I saw the rise of platoons and was really excited. The only problem with platforms today is it’s far from the non-crypto games we play so our goal is really to create one of the best mobile games. So we teamed up with a great game studio to create MechaChain. So MechaChain is a fighting Mecha game. So basically what you have to do is get a maker which is an assembly of NFTs. You send it into battle and you can get some crypto. The mechanism. So that’s basically what we are doing. There are more than 35 of us working on MechaChain, we should have an alpha in about 6 to 8 months. Yeah, we really want to touch the space, push the boundaries and have a good game. And if we can have a game that earns money, that’s even better.

Steve Good -The Mecha’s themselves are like NFTs people can buy?

Roman Czerny — Yeah so they are not released yet, we release the coin at the end of next month. We will have limited land sale and then we will move on with makers so Mecha will be an assembly of NTFs and you can just customize your Mechas as much as you want.

Steve Good — Nice. Sounds really fun. I like your website. It looks really cool. I like the whole kind of design. It’s fun and it’s so different.

Roman Czerny — Thanks. Of course cyberpunk MMO set in the dystopian universe, essentially, you know, we thought the game was pretty cool and it also fit the society pretty well in our game.

Steve Good — Cool. Now Moving on to Reign of Terror.

Joseph Derflinger — You know we’re first on Solana, so we were a Solana blockchain game and we incorporated NFT and then basically every aspect of the gameplay and then our primary. Like you know, besides being MO, the core gameplay loop is real-time tactical combat. And we’re actually built for mobile, so you can play it on TCM mobile through Web 3.

Steve Good — Ohh wow, nice, that’s a smart way to do it. I like that. Cool.

Joseph Derflinger — Yeah I think we’ve, you know, we’ve seen that we think one part of getting a lot of people from web two to web 3 is this- trying to reduce the friction as much as possible. You’ll make it a lot more smooth for people. So we will also have that transition where you don’t necessarily need a web 3 to play. You could play but then if you actually want to participate and start earning then of course you would need to install a wallet and have NFTs but common gateways come along, well I think we’ll have more ways of making it easier for people to onboard because I think for a lot of Gamers who are, you know crypto savvy, and then there’s a lot of gamers who you know they’ve only maybe heard something, you know. They write a PR article on NPs and they don’t necessarily fully understand the implications of NP’s and how it actually gives them more ownership. You know versus you know you’re going in a mobile game and you’re using your credit card and that’s it, right? You get nothing for it but if you’re only nine of teasing, you get a lot more mileage out of that, and you know on-chain, right? We’re able to actually have some interoperability with it. Work with other projects too, which we plan on doing.

Steve Good — Which is great we’ll have to cover that more toward the end here if we have enough time because I think that’s something.

That’s something that people are really interested in. Understanding is the whole interoperability, and what would be interoperable as well. I think it is always a question that comes up for us too. Because in Dreams Quest we’re building our own, you know, Rpgmmo style game and the question is, well, what happens when you have an asset and you want to use the asset in another game, but it’s a different alright let’s pause for a second with you I’m just going to move over to to Mohammed from SoundIt World because I want to give you a chance to quickly introduce your project and yourself.

Mohammad Aladham — So I come from a marketing background, but I’m gonna dive into SoundIt directly. So SoundIt is a new social platform that we’re building where basically we took audio as a medium of creation and consumption because we thought that audio is being neglected in that space. But then once we started talking to a lot of creators and different people who would create and consume audio, like podcasters, musicians, or talents in general, realize that there’s a gap of ownership and we thought, okay, this would be cool to kind of merge it into the Web 3.0 and ft world and that’s where SoundIt that was born. So SoundIt is a social platform where you can put out short form audios anywhere between 10 seconds to 180 seconds and then turn that audio into an NFT so the great thing about it is we’re not a marketplace so we could just create it there but then you have the freedom to go and sell it anywhere you want or basically use it in any web applications that incorporate NFT so metaverse games any of that so the great thing about it here is one thing that we’re working with. Dreams Quest actually is a character in games that could potentially start getting their voices or their signature audios attached to sound without having to go and pay an engineer to create that, or vice versa. Let’s say dream scripts got some like soundtracks or unique audios that they want to join and they could just go release them on Sunday and turn them into NFT. So really, from a creative perspective, it’s a great thing for the creators to go and monetise their content, which is otherwise as a normal artist in today’s world. You’re kind of controlled right now by whatever your production company, your labels and all of that, so you don’t have the complete freedom or ownership to your content. So as one side of it, the other side is a communication side actually, which is pretty cool. Maybe when the app is launched we can go there and instead of Twitter spaces, but it’s basically you can set up communication rooms for your community where.

It works in two ways, so one way when you set it up it works as an offline room. So all of your community can be there and communicate with each other. Even if you are the Creator who hosts the rooms not online and in that format it would be too many chats. So kind of think like a Discord server. But then let’s say that the creator decides that they want to come online and chat to their community. So with the click of a button, it turns into a live environment and it would be kind of the same. So the great thing about that now with sound there as a creator I can basically use the short form audio to put out my content kind of advertise myself gain Of somewhat social economy that it’s getting into because ohh yeah, so there is a sound that coined that basically funnels through the app, which is basically, you get to earn the sound that coin for doing certain activities on the app, but then you use that coin as your mechanism to maintain your NFT, or potentially if I’m a podcaster and I want to charge for my podcast, I can lock the pod and then charge a subscription for it using that coin. So there’s a lot of utilities until the coin that we’re building but yeah super exciting stuff.

Steve Good — So it’s really cool. Once we start talking about our sanctuaries in the game we’ll probably put out some stuff as well to the Soundlt community and challenge them to create some very specific music that will be in a specific frequency so yeah as you probably know being in the sound world that most music that’s created today is in 440 hertz frequency which is actually not particularly harmonic and if you actually want music to be resonating better Agents mission is to really bring these thoughts into the blockchain world. And from GEMS Esports 3.0 Platform. Andy Koh, please introduce yourself.

Andy Koh — Having 15 years in the esports industry, I see a lot of benefits with the coming of Web 3 and blockchain application games. Why? Because one of the biggest things that I think we can do to resolve the problem by integrating esports and blockchain is really resolving the social engineering problems which allow a more peer-to-peer approach. And more accurate payments. We also want to bring esports into it if you know. Last year we talked about game five and esports and then now we are actually this year. The topic has been marvelous and I see the next second quarter of the year. And the following will be a lot about esports and matter versus right, because Steve brought up today to mention NFT and utility tokens. If you see NFT, it is really one of the best ways. It helps to supersede blockchain because NFT to the West can. They can do investment by purchasing and holding an FT and to the East people are really the play to earn where gamers can, you know leverage on the earnings that literally means that they can have enough money to feed themselves or even go to school, right? So I think those are two great topics. And since GEMS is also part of this, our mission is to bring esports 3.0 into the blockchain world. We also have the NFT marketplace, but our NFT marketplace is more on the shopping more concept whereby we put all the game five projects and allow gamers to come not just to buy, but they can rent or either pay installments for those NFT.

That can turn into investments for them, so we have an NFT marketplace that gets installment payments and rentals. We have defied union. We also have the other functions that are mainly to help the gamers to find and do everything regarding their digital gaming services on one platform. Look at what the market is doing today. We are not actually doing something that is very different from what the market has been successful at.

Platform business has been in the market for a very long time before that. We used to associate platforms with data-driven platforms, right. So if you look at some popular platforms we can talk about search engines, common platforms, Google, all these platforms, even the booking of taxis. These are all called booking platforms like grab Agoda,, right? But if you look at the whole market platform there’s nobody claiming the space to be the king of the gaming platform and GEMS.

Before we can reach those steps, we need to bring esports into the blockchain world because the future is blockchain. Then we can talk about being the King of Game platforms. In this current market and our business model and other unique business model is our online to offline look at all the platform businesses today like Apple, Samsung background or Burger King, they have got good products just like gems. We can have good products together with all game five projects like Dream Quest, but understand is the community mass adoption. If you have a good product, the next thing that you want to do is outreach your product so that mess people can onboard. And we believe there’s no way to do better than using our offline arena. Is an Esports hotel where we install our online platform gems in all the gaming room PCs that allow the hoteliers who also happen to be our customer which is the targeted audience gamer. Therefore through this O2O model.

We help together with all the game five projects to succeed and reach out to people because blockchain is beautiful, but education is still a challenge.

Steve Good — Sorry Andy one question for you before I jump back to the two kind of traditional gaming guys here at the MechaChain and the and what was the reign of terror? One question for you when you’re looking at the NFTs that will be running through your platform. Do you see the Nfts predominantly being game specific? Will they have sound? Will they have music? Will they be, you know, just like character cards, what? What do you see? Being kind of the main play? As a platform that’s representing or aggregating many games in one do you see something that’s a trend right now across games?

Andy Koh — Yeah Steve, I think you brought out something you already answered that question just now which is cuts, yeah? Steve just mentioned earlier on one word, Cards, Nfts are getting very very popular right now because it marries the excitement of you know when you play cards right? You really do not know what cards you are holding and when you are playing and having the NFT in a web tree platform right? You just open and then you have to depend on the lot. Gamers always depend on the luck when you’re playing the game so we have two kinds of gamers right one is the game of true players that they get they find exciting things like that like card schemes give them a lot of excitement because if you don’t know whether they can’t really predict whether they can win or not.

Steve Good — Interesting. So you see the 2D game card being more popular?

Andy Koh — Yes and it needs to leverage on NFT and blockchain.

Steve Good — Right. Cool. Let me switch over. What I wanted to find out from both of you. What do you see being the key utility of your game and how do they add value to the players?

Joseph Derflinger — At leaset for Reign of Terror, it would be the agents that help you start the Play to Earn. Of course, if you’re talking about how it appears with the UI right and NFT marketplace. And yeah, I mean we would have like a rotating 3D model. But yeah, I think in terms of how many you fuse and what are the conditions like all that can be tweaked.

Steve Good — Yep that’s cool I don’t think I’d heard the term fuse before because but I mean it makes complete sense when you say it that way and I think we’re even in Dreams Quest doing that.

Joseph Derflinger — Right but I think the concept is you’re burning lower rarity to create higher rarity so there’s a point where there’s a portion of the power you gained by basically just showing you have off-chain, right? Because this is about the gameplay, right? It’s not like a full-on chain B5 game, right? It’s like you actually have to play the game and get good at it, but then we also have the on-chain portion of it, right? To make it like, let’s say more mutable or make it so you’re actually able. Right, and cause we’re an MMO. So it’s like you can kind of imagine, like how Ms were playing before, but let’s say like EVE online World of Warcraft, right? There’s all these. You know they kind of have their own auction houses, right? They have their own marketplaces, you know they have different currencies, but it’s all you know within a virtual environment that the developers complete control.

Mohammad Aladham — As an example. So let’s say he owns a lot of land in Sandbox and one of his lands has a stadium kind of thing and he wanted the, you know like 1/2 time or whatever in a basketball court. There’s like a buzzer or something, so he’s like okay, if I want to get those audios I need to either buy them or pay royalties for them. But if I go on your platform, you’re telling me like I can just create it there, mint it as an NFT and then just pop it into my sandbox and we’re like, yeah? That’s exactly it.

Steve Good — So are the creators that create the music able to also still make royalties if their sound is used in let’s say inside MechaChain or inside a reign of terror or dreams quest for example?

Mohammad Aladham — So yeah, so the great part about what we’re doing is, again, we’re giving the power completely to the creators when it comes to the NFTs. So you use our coin to mint, but then you set up the royalties that you want to have as it goes on sale, or secondary market or so on. So even if you want to rent it out, if you want to go in and rent it out into their market, then you can set up how the royalties will work there for the rentals. So the great thing here is that the creator, besides completely how they want to monetise from the nft whether it’s a one time off monetization, whether it’s an ongoing as it’s being used as a royalty on onwards, and so on. So honestly, it’s just up to the creator in terms of how they want to monetise, and that’s the great thing about it, because we want to remove ourselves as people as the platform that can dictate what you can and cannot make or earn from your content that’s the whole point of kind of putting this in place, yeah?

Steve Good — Cool I like it. I think it’s really unique and maybe there’s opportunities that come out of this for you guys in terms of other games and other projects because I mean that’s the reason we partnered up with you guys, in particular, of course.

Steve Good — Hey, we’ve got someone who put a request in to ask us a question. So I’m going to let Murison, I think it’s pronounced. Hopefully, I’ve got that right, so I’m going to add him as a speaker and we’ll just see what Murison has to say. Welcome to the speaker’s corner Murison. Did you have a question you wanted to ask us?

Muresan Ionut — Okay I have a pretty interesting question hopefully I can phrase it correctly. This collaboration, how far can it go? Let’s say we have two games that want to collaborate. It can allow for some fusion, let’s say? By accessing both games, can you share NFTs between them? How far can we take this?

Steve Good — I’ll give you my perspective and then I would love to hear from Joseph and Roman as well. So from my perspective, I think when it comes down to if it is the same chain, the hardest part is the alignment of how the asset is used in each game. And notwithstanding, you have to also consider that the art styles will be different, so how it’s displayed in one game might be different from another. So the key for me is the alignment of the games working together, collaborating? So if I have a character or have a piece of art, a weapon could be an ingredient. Could it be any kind of asset?

The trick for me I see is we have to find a way to integrate the smart contracts and we have to set some standard use cases, why? Why would this asset be used in your game? How would it be used in your game and what value does it bring to the player? By moving the asset between the two, the technical integration is really a matter of I think working out like for example what is my asset doing in my game? What would it do if you know?

That chain and what’s it going to do in another game and then vice versa? What’s the value that a player gets by being able to move those assets freely between the games and you make a good point about is there a possibility that I could take two assets from two games, fuse them together to end up with something entirely new? Now I’ve never heard someone suggest that before. In fact, I’ve never thought of it either. I think it’s in a really incredibly cool idea because it means that you are forging a new kind of relationship with another game to work together to encourage players to go get assets from each game in order to receive some sort of better asset in one game or another later on. So even if it was done in a promotional basis like I want to get more players into our game, so I go to MechaChain and say hey guys, why don’t you like sell this asset and then we’ll let people you know merge that asset with an asset in our game to upgrade an asset in in our game or we could flip it the other direction, and if they have the other way around, the player could choose to take our asset along with that other asset from MechaChain and say, hey, let’s do it the other way around. Now we’re going to use a dream quest asset to upgrade an asset inside our game, so that could be, I’m just, you know, free thinking here about a weird and cool way we could do something that would be collaborative. Never seen it done before. I’ve never heard anyone suggest this before, but together, let me ask Roman or Joseph if they want to further comment on the idea of, you know, sharing of assets and responding to your question.

Joseph Derflinger — Yeah, so I think we’ve. I mean we’ve had similar things like this in Web 2, right? It’s mostly about cross-promotions.

Right, so like, let’s say if two games you know want to have something in one game right, they would take art assets from another game and you know apply it into that game. So I think it’s already been done. That’s just not.

So when we’re saying you know what’s the difficulty with having NFT? I mean, I think one part would be just making sure you’re yeah. It’s on the same chain you guys are aligned. Even with connecting the same wallets, right? And then yeah, it’s a lot of. It’s just a lot of back end work as in like hey so with that NT how would we? How would we display this? Like what would it do in our game? Yeah, that means mostly just about developing. You know, supporting that right supporting other games NFT on your platform or your game while getting them to support it and then just the level of you know just art asset creation. Or let’s say even adding music or just anything we want to add on to it. Like how do we want that to be defined? And I think I think we’ll see more of it and it really depends on like when we see more of like platforms coming out that’s going to like more long term platform. Then I think they’ll start to attract more developers who might want to also put something there, right? So it’s like, how is my NFT being represented on which platforms?

Effie — When is this NFT drop? I have been waiting for so long.

Joseph Derflinger — Ohh yeah, so I mean we have multiple. I mean, different types of NFT drops coming out but the Genesis drop we’re aiming towards later in May. So we’re currently having some rust auditors, you know, take a look at, you know our custom smart contracts. And then we expect to be able to give more details. I think towards mid-May.

Steve Good — Any final words guys?

Andy Koh — I would like to inform everybody that GEMS has successfully closed mlu and partner with the number one launchpad currently which is C5 so I think that’s great news and a celebration and it is true the Dream Quest gaming panel tonight and divulging this secret yes so gems has confirmed and signed an MOU view with city 5 already as of today.

Joseph Derflinger — Actually, I wasn’t going to do that, but since we also did a public announcement that we will be listed on Solanium. And then there’s some other like top-tier Solana launchpads. We’ll be announcing soon as well, but yeah, I mean, come follow us, we have a pretty vibrant discord community, and we have a lot going on. So yeah, come drop by.

Steve Good — That’s a great idea definitely go and check out Rein of Terror their discord channel it’s definitely one to be in notwithstanding joining the Discord for dreams quest if you’ve not been following us previously.

Andy Koh — Steve, maybe you can share Dreams Quest updates?

Steve Good — We’ve been busy working on an absolutely exquisite environment that we’ve been building. It’s not earthly because it’s a dreamlike environment and things don’t make sense, you know? So we’re right now. Featuring and highlighting a little bit of the work our artists and our team have been basically making ferns, but the ferns are actually with feathers rather than you know, being like like a Fern, and everything that we’re making in the game is sort of playing with the subconscious and playing with the idea that things aren’t always as they seem, and it’s all kind of in a dreamlike environment. So yeah, we’ve had a lot of work going on with all of the content creation and production of the game story, and we’ve got a whole bunch of stuff going on in terms of video. Little video productions that will be coming out over the near term and of course our main focus is getting dreams, quest origins and the mini-game to come out first so we can get players to start coming in early access and playing, but getting it all together is the most important thing. Getting it done right, but we’ve got a good part of the environment built now which is really cool because now it’s all about the polishing the stones, and you know, and polishing the flowers and Perfect, and that’s you know, the hardest part is the colors and the styling and all of that. But we’ve made a lot of progress and we’re really excited that we’ve made you know this. Much progress and. We’re excited, it’s going to be cool. And actually, I’m told that the little Mini review is now out on our Twitter account, so I’ll also be on our telegram and our discord channels too. So you guys can check it out and let us know what you think. I’m super excited about it.

Andy Koh — Wonderful wonderful

Steve Good — Well listen I think we’ve gone on for quite a while I think it’s been great. Appreciate everybody who’s taking the time to pop in and listen and make sure that you follow.

All of the projects that have been here are Reign of Terror, MechaChain, SoundIt, GEMS, which is by the way the gems gg. It’s a very hard website to find Andy, so I’ll just call that one out for you. And of course it sounds pretty easy to find. So yeah, thank you, everybody, for hopping in today and we will certainly come back with some future events like this. Let us know what you think as well. Just drop us some comments on our Twitter account and of course check out our video that we’ve just put out. That’s a preview of our game and let us know what you guys think. And we’ll be back again soon with another round table session like this one. Thanks, everybody.

About MechaChain

MechaChain is a 3D play to earn robot combat and space conquest video game called “Mechas”. Each Mecha is a collection of NFT representing robot parts. They can be purchased online with the game’s crypto-currency called Mechanium, using Ethereum, or by card. These parts once assembled give birth to a controllable robot

in a PvP combat video game.

About Reign of Terror

Reign of Terror is a cyberpunk metaverse p2e blockchain game created to immerse players in a dreamlike futuristic metaverse while weaving graspable decentralized finance mechanisms get lost playing in a jaw-dropping new reality where missions become investment bearing activities. Enter a futuristic fully-immersive playable cyberpunk world. NFT characters that use in-game currency to level up, build, join guilds, and even commit DeFi exercises.ROT utilizes NFTs in every facet of the game, is full of P2E missions/quests, and also introduces players to DeFi mechanics as part of the gameplay. DeFi mechanics such as staking and liquidity pooling. SocialFi mechanics with Guilds. A DAO governance system, and an NFT lending system all of which integrate seamlessly into the game creating a user-friendly layer of blockchain beneath the skin of a cyberpunk realm.

About SoundIt

SoundIt is an audio-based, web3 social media platform dedicated to audio lovers and creators. We are changing the way audio is created and consumed, as well as how creative talent collaborate and build communities. At our core, we integrate audio with NFTs, becoming enablers for audio creation in the Metaverse, re-writing the history books and putting audio back in the spotlight, once and for all.

About GEMS

GEMS stands for GameFi, Esports, Metaverse and SocialFi.Proudly presenting Esports 3.0, GEMS is an Esports 3.0 Aggregator Platform within a unique O2O (online-to-offline) Ecosystem. Our one-of-a-kind ecosystem is designed to be the ultimate, one-stop GameFi destination, allowing crypto and Esports gamers to learn, connect, and immerse themselves in different metaverses and GameFi worlds via online and offline touchpoints.

About Dreams Quest

Dreams Quest is a games and entertainment company producing a variety of products to create an immersive gaming experience. Dreams Quest game is an RPG 3D game providing users with a PVE quest-based immersive experience. It is also the first-ever game designed with a metaverse-based economy, designed on the core principles of Play and Earn and Free-to-Play, where every in-game asset is a dynamic NFT.

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Dreams Quest
Dreams Quest

Written by Dreams Quest

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